The key with maintaining any exercise program is busting through barriers that are keeping us from success. This program will give you a PLAN, SUPPORT and GUIDANCE on how to stay the course as you deal with real life challenges. This program is about shifting habits gradually so that you can enjoy lasting change.

Make a plan or plan to fail. And expect the plan will change.

The Program: Exercise, nutrition and self-care go hand in hand. Each is as important as the other. We work them in together for true balanced living. Below is the exercise piece.

  1. Set clear intentions and realistic goals based on your physical reality and life circumstances.

  2. What are your BARRIERS: time, knowledge, support, motivation, energy, consistency or injuries? What are your excuses versus your REAL issues (facts of your life) that are keeping you from exercising consistently every week?

  3. Make a weekly exercise schedule. How much time do you have to dedicate to you? What small changes do you need to meet goals?

  4. Get SUPPORT. Join the group on Whatsapp. Reach out for special one-on-one with me as needed. Follow along with on-demand video workouts and LIVE streams. Seek out group fitness in your town. Get a workout buddy.

  5. Get the KNOWLEDGE that you need. We will be discussing topics, answering your questions. Exercise programs should be customized. Our goal is to give you information and guidance so that you can decide what works best for YOU.

The goal of the Vital8 Program is to find the right blend of exercise, nutrition and self-care that will increase your vital energy. The fact is your body is a dynamic, living-breathing project and you are the master of your own vitality. This is true empowerment and it is available to each and every one of us.

Say YES and let’s get started TOGETHER.