
The state of being strong, active and full of life-giving energy.

When it comes to our health and well-being there is nothing more important than our personal vitality. This life-force energy can be drained or encouraged on a daily basis depending on our health, life circumstances and the decisions we make.

Personal success comes down to 3 main things: being clear about what we value, our daily choices and our ability to stay consistent. The other key factor is having a support system. There is nothing more powerful than a committed friend, loved one, workout buddy or group of people working towards a common objective. Knowing someone is there to cheer you on creates pull power. That, along with an experienced leader, and you have set yourself up for success.

All YOU have to do is decide and then BEGIN.

To achieve peak Vitality there are 8 key areas that when optimized get us living into our best life:

  1. Nutrition/Hydration

  2. Resistance Training

  3. Sleep

  4. Yoga Practice

  5. Fresh Air and Sunshine

  6. Higher Power

  7. Self-Fullfillment

  8. Community/Support system

I feel like we need to focus on the top 5, first. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, you must first care for your basic physical needs before you can focus on your higher psychological needs.

One thing is for sure, as we age our needs change. What worked in our 30s may not be working so well in our 50s and beyond. The important thing to keep in mind is that YOUR vitality is about energy. It is something that you might not have thought about when energy seemed to be endless. But as we age many of us feel depleated trying to keep the same pace and schedule as we did when we were younger. The key to longevity and increased vitality resides in educating yourself and being willing to change things up. The other key thing is that we are all unique.

What works for someone else may not work for you. Use how you feel as your best measure for what is working.

This program is about getting you to trust your intuition. Through mindfulness and observing what our physical bodies are telling us, we can all get there. Do you want to feel better and have enough energy that lasts all day? Are you ready to feel harmonized and aligned and find your healthy weight? Are you ready to join a program that will help you achieve realistic goals for you at this point in your life?


Nutrition - What the heck should I eat? So many diet plans, dos/don’t out there im so confused. I can’t eat certain foods because they cause trouble: bloating, inflammation, belly aches, diarreha, constipation. Am i getting the right nutrients? Do i need supplements?

Exercise - What do I need to do to get rid of belly fat and overall fat deposits? Cardio or weight training? HIIT or moderate exercise? I have aches/pains so working out doesn’t feel that great anymore? I used to workout really hard now i don’t have the stamina and i tap out…I keep getting injured and sidelined.

Self-Care — I’m too busy for me? I’m having trouble sleeping. I can’t meditate my mind is racing or when i finally sit down i just fall asleep. My house is too crazy and loud. I just can’t seem to find the time or the money to pamper myself.

Connections I’ve been wanting to get involved in a new hobby or community. I want to deepen my personal relationship with God. What is my new purpose now that life has changed? What am I being called to do?