Take care of your feet and start a chain reaction
Restore space in the feet to release tension and pain
Improve your posture, organ function and joint alignment
Stimulates, tone and elongate muscles, tendons and ligaments
Get your foot wakers
Purchase foot wakers and gear online. Yogasu tribe members get 20% off all balls.
Restore foot function
The goal of Yamuna Foot Fitness is to empower people to prevent and fix all sorts of body problems themselves. Using foot wakers, YFF is the ultimate self-care method you can do anytime, anywhere. Take a workshop or Hire Sue Hynes for a workshop.
About Foot Fitness
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▾ What is YFF?
The Yamuna Foot Fitness system (YFF) uses special props to restore healthy foot function by creating balance, flexibility, strength and proper gait. The basic principle of YFF is restriction, pain and discomfort are caused by lack of space.
The goal of YFF is to restore space in the foot by creating length and width to the involved muscles and bones. Creating optimal space restores full range of motion in all the joints of the feet.
When you take care of the feet, you take care of the rest of the body. The foot is at the end of the fascial and muscle chains descending from the front and back of the hip. And since hip function affects the upper torso—the health of the feet are crucial to the health and alignment of the entire body.
YFF also affects the entire body through the reflexology points in the soles of the feet.
▾ Who needs foot fitness?
Everyone. But for athletes in particular-especially dancers, cyclists, runners and triathletes. It's particularly important to add foot fitness to your exercise routines. When your feet aren’t properly aligned then the rest of the body suffers from misalignment too (knees, hips, back, shoulders, neck).
It’s like driving around on bad tires. Taking the time to work your feet will enhance your workout. YFF will protect your feet and prevent injuries. Once your feet get strong, flexible and aligned your will see how your performance improves!
YFF Benefits
Click question to see answer.
▾ What are the benefits of YFF?
– Working the feet stimulates, tones and elongates all the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the legs.
– YFF enables people to develop more range of motion and movement not only in feet but through pelvis, spine and torso.
– Creates tone and relieves tension in the feet
YFF increase, stimulates and improves:
– Circulation in the the body
– Bone quality
– Organ function
– Alignment
– Metabolism
– Relaxes nervous system and increase body awareness
▾ What common foot problems does YFF help solve?
– Plantar Fasciitis – Bunion
– Hammertoe
– Morton’s Neuroma
– Hallus Rigidus
“Yogasu Fitness foot classes helped me recover from my broken ankle and I feel as though I’ve had a massage after each ball class. Sue’s soothing energy, kind soul and devotion to her tribe inspires me.”
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