Like increases, opposites heal.

Ayurvedic Wisdom

These words apply to our nutrition and our relationships. Many of us think we are “doing the right thing” when it comes to diet and exercise, but then find ourselves stuck. We are unable to lose weight and impove our body composition. We continure to experience low energy and experience wide-spread inflammation. Why the stalemate? Let’s look at the role that toxins and chronic stress are playing in causing dis-EASE in the body.

Toxins come from many sources and build up in our bodies over time: food/water, environmental factors, people, situations, cleaning products, personal care creams and lotions, clothing, furniture, forever chemicals, EMFs, candles…the list goes on and on.

If we don’t filter what we take in, we become the filter. The key is to eliminate stressors and change how WE RELATE AND PROCESS the things we can’t change. IMPORTANT, because whatever the source, inflammation is the result in the body and is the cause of all disease.

So what can we do?

Our best defense is a great offense. By implementing the Vital 8 Basics and Ayurvedic seasonal cleansing, we learn to use self-care practices as medicine. We also need to armor up with facts and get our bloodwork done by a functional medicine doctor. They know how to order bloodwork based on symptoms and then find solutions based on root causes. This is true personalized medicine. If you are dealing with chronic health problems and still can’t get answers, remember, big pharma controls modern traditional medicine. They want to keep us SICK and dependent on pharmaceuticals - it is their annuity. The cycle continues with big agriculture with mass produced meat and veggies AND fake processed crap full of industrial seed oil and ingredients we can’t pronounce. Greed has corrupted the United States health-care (actually sick-care) system and our food industries.

To feel better and heal our bodies we need to educate ourselves and clean up what we take in moving forward. Here are some Ayurvedic Cleanse options below:

Click here to learn about the One-Day Dietary Reset.

Click here to learn about the Simplified 3-Day Cleanse.

Click here to learn about the deeper Traditional Ayurvedic Cleanse.