Stress Management is an inside job. Most outside factors are out of our immediate control. We can mininize some sources of stress (set boundaries, get away from toxic people and environments.) But ultimately it is about our relationship with stress that will set us free. Making ourselves a priority is paramount to our health and well-being. Our vitality depends on it.

Continuing to withdraw from our personal energy bank will eventually leave us empty and depleated. The best way to thrive and be fully available for the one’s we love is to invest in ourselves first. This might sound selfish and unrealistic based on your current circumstances, but if you don’t love yourself first then you run the risk of not having anything left for the ones you love.

Beautiful ways to care for YOU:

  • Spend time alone everyday in thought, contemplation and prayer

    • Journal idea for first thing in the morning or before bed:  

      Free writing helps stimulate creativity. Helps us warm up and loosen up, relax and open our thinking to all possibilities. It helps stimulate dreaming and unstructured thinking.

      How: Set a timer on your phone, journal uninterrupted for exactly 5 minutes. Don’t concern yourself with meaning, making sense, sentence structure, punctuation, topics, organization. Just write. When the timer goes off -  stop immediately. Don’t finish the thought. Just stop. 

    • This technique can be done before or after meditation.

    • Mindful Meditation

      • set your timer (begin with 5 minutes)

      • find a comfortable seat (inside or outside is great)

      • practice sitting in quiet stillness

      • Here are some techniques to get started - CLICK HERE

  • Take care of your achy feet - Yamuna Foot fitness (FOR VIDEOS - CLICK HERE)

  • Skincare - products, face massage/yamuna face ball (videos coming soon)

  • Schedule a personal spa day (massage, sauna and soak)

  • Sleep & Relaxation (get 8 hours every night maybe more)

  • Take mini-breaks throughout the day to off-load stress in real time.

    • Go outside or simply sit with eyes closed and take 3 deep breaths. Connect with yourself and disconnect with tasks, to-dos and obligations. Give mind/body a break. Even if it’s only for a couple of minutes.

    • Use deep calming breaths through-out the day whenever you feel stressed.

  • 24 hour rule before you say “yes”

    • When someone asked you to do something say, “thanks for asking, let me check my calendar and I get back to you in 24 hours.” This allows you to decide if it works in your schedule AND if you really want to do it. This is a great strategy for people pleasers!

  • NASA Nap (26 minutes)

    • A widely cited 1995 NASA study found that the “ideal” nap length is 26 minutes, after which test subjects' “performance” (reaction time, memory) improved by 34 percent and “alertness” (feeling fresh and awake) improved by 54 percent.

  • Chanting & Deep Breathing stimulates the Vagus Nerve - (FOR VIDEOS - CLICK HERE)

  • Learn How to Breathe - (FOR VIDEOS - CLICK HERE)

  • Get outdoors daily for 30 minutes of fresh air & sunshine

  • Ask for help, set boundaries, take a step back, put yourself first, stay home spend time alone, forgive yourself, say “no”, when asked to do something say “ill get back to you in 24hours”

  • Buy a planner and schedule in your “me” time, your exercise, make a self-care plan.