Game changer for your overall wellness and achieving fat loss goals
Customize and stay flexible based on stress levels, life demands, health status, goals.
You can and should vary your fasting window.
Protein and Carbs will break your fast
Technically fat won’t break your fast (fat fasting) that’s why you can have bullet-proof coffee* inside your fasting window
Drink water and add electrolytes** very important with IF
IF consists of a fasting window and an eating window
Fasting window gives the body time to heal and repair
FASTING window: Eat and drink nothing except plain tea, coffee*, water
Restricted eating window sets boundaries and helps with late-night eating
EATING window: For best results eat clean, whole-foods w/ protein as the priority
Decide on window based on bedtime and cutting off meals 2 hours before bed
Which type of IF is best?
Options for beginners/peeps with lots of stress - Menopausal Women
12/12 – Eat 3 meals in a 12 hour eating window
Last meal 6/7/8pm and first meal 6/7/8am
Consider if menopausal/hormone stress
Best if lots of stress in life/high demand life
Trouble sleeping through the night
14/10 - 3 meals in a 10 hour window
Last meal 6/7/8pm and first meal 8/9/10am
Same as above re: stress, sleep
Advanced/Healthier Individuals for max benefits:
16/8 - Eat 2 meals in a 8 hour window
Last meal 6/7/8pm and first meal 10/11am/12pm
First meal is lunch and last meal dinner
Manage morning with BP coffee as needed
Try and do a couple mornings with just water, plain tea and electrolytes*
Especially if you have hit a weight-loss plateau
**make sure electrolytes inside fasting window don’t have any carbs/sugar/glucose/dextrose/sucrose. Only essential minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc) because you don’t want to spike insulin and break fast.
You don’t have to IF everyday the same way. Example: do 16/8 2 times per week and then 12/12 the rest of week. Or Alternate days: Fast one day with limited calories and then eat regular the other days.
The relationship with coffee is more than the coffee for many of us. It’s a ritual, a relationship, a wonderful friend. If coffee is a troublemaker for you (doesn’t make you feel good) then try to make it friendlier to your body. There are times that I have had to give it up for a time but in general coffee agrees with me now, in moderation.
Before morning coffee drink 8-16oz of water
When fasting. drink coffee black or bullet-proof coffee
BP coffee is “fat fasting” - technically keeps body in fasting state
Fat and fiber are the only two nutrients that don’t spike insulin
Count as one of fat servings for day
Fat is calorie dense so go easy (like ½ tablespoon of coconut oil best) when trying to lose weight.
BP coffee slows down the caffeine absorption/spike effect.
Coconut oil is the only alkaline-forming oil so it calms the effect of the acidic coffee hitting your empty gut. Also sustains you until lunch and keeps you in fat-burning mode.
MCT Oil is another option if you don’t like the taste of coconut oil. MCT oil is unflavored can be added to anything like your morning tea as needed.
BP Coffee
Fresh brewed coffee
½ tbsp-1 tbsp. Of coconut oil or MCT oil
Add cinnamon for variety
Blend with stick mixer
Coffee rules for non-fasting days or inside the eating window: Don’t use artificial creamers or sweetners. If you take cream then use real CREAM or half/half. Think fat, think REAL/WHOLE. To sweeten your coffee try stevia, it comes from a stevia plant.
If you have trouble sleeping or experience that all day low-buzzing stress DON’T HAVE COFFEE after lunch. Avoid using coffee in place of food, as a pick me up, late afternoon bump, etc. In order to lose weight/fat we must reduce stress in the body (cortisol) caffeine spikes insulin and will keep us running and buzzing (and not resting.)