In this program we will talk about how to make decisions that are best for YOU regarding what you consume. We will focus on building intuitive eating. Nutrition includes food, hydration and supplements and there are ways to optimize how you take in your nutrition. There is so much information out there it can be confusing and overwhelming. We will talk about the hot topics so that you can make an informed decision that supports your lifestyle, goals and overall wellness.

Small positive changes overtime shift habits leading to long-lasting results.


What is Intermittent Fasting and is it right for me?

Macros: Protein, Carbs, Fat — how much and in what combination?

Do I need supplements?

Meal Prepping, Recipes, Shopping lists

Whole food, anti-inflammatory diet

Cleansing and Detoxification

Menopausal Issues: Hormones and Belly Fat

Working with our metobolic organs and hormones to lose weight

It’s all about insulin (and cortisol)



  • Keep a Food Journal: keep track of everything you EAT/DRINK. Observe and record how your body FEELS after each meal. This is an important step to intuitive eating.

  • Identify Troublemakers: we will work together and look for what needs to change (food choices, eating habits, lifestyle, mindset.)

  • Set your goals - figure out what’s important to you and what needs to change. Jot down why you started this program and what you would like to accomplish?

  • Vital8 Blueprint - Follow this formula and learn how “keeping it simple,” along with intermittent fasting, are the first steps to cleansing bad habits/cravings, harmonizing mind/body and reducing stress.

  • Meal Prepping Tips, Simple Recipes and Shopping List

  • Live Weekly Zoom Calls: I will host group zoom calls that will guide you through the entire program. Here you will get guidance from me in a group setting. I’ll give you all the resources you need and teach you the Vital8 Blueprint for eating.

  • Inspiration and Community: Ask questions, find daily inspiration, meal sharing and more. We will use Whatsapp, Zoom and Vital8 Private Facebook Page.

  • Beyond the Group Challenge: The program doesn’t stop here! You can take all the resources and keep going. Join the membership and be part of the community or hire me for one-on-one coaching.