Healthy Hips and Spine- Sun. Nov. 15 - 2pm
Healthy Hips and Spine- Sun. Nov. 15 - 2pm
Yamuna® Body Rolling is a fresh approach for total body opening and strengthening. It is all about body sustainability keeping you doing the things you love to do! In this class, you will learn simple routines to roll out tension and melt stress leaving you feeling rejuvenated.
YBR is a self-care system using inflatable balls that you can learn to do YOURSELF to prevent injury and solve existing problems in your body.
Benefits of Body Rolling
Regain full mobility
Tone your Core
Elongate and Tone Muscles
Free tight restricted areas
Re-align your body head-to-toe
Increase circulation
Plus you will learn tips on how to use these balls in your existing yoga practice and as part of stretch routines before and after workouts. YBR Gear will be on sale at a discounted rate.
Here is an informative article about YBR from the Journal of Physical Therapy.
*Method developed by Yamuna Zake, founder of Yamuna Body Rolling Method.
Additional Info